September 25, 2005


It was funny that Microsoft was present during the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo held last Sept. 14-16. They were there with a pretense of promoting "working together", whereas the purists and hardcore treat them simply as the 'enemy'.

It was clear that M$ had money and knew how the human(masculine) brain works. They flagrantly used sly techniques in distracting possible converts from absorbing the spirit of the conference.
  1. Center and Flashy booth.
  2. Three pretty and gorgeous booth girls who wore tight M$ shirts.
  3. Photo sessions where you can have your picture taken with the 3 M$ girls or a model in a 2 piece bathing suit.
  4. Barbie Almabis to give away 2 Xboxes.
Beyond the general disruption that M$ caused in the territory of the timid competitor, the conference more or less achieved its goal. Which was to give awareness and information for those who would like to consider the alternative: Free/Open Source Software.

There were a number of familiar faces due to the nature of the event. m's and Paul A. with the pips from ASTI, officemates from the cube gateway team, my good friend Clair.

I did get to buy a funny shirt. It says at the front:
"No Windows. No Gates. It is Open. No Bill. It is Free."
At the back:
"I choose Free/Open Source Software"

PS: I may update this post if I remember something of interest.

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